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Letter from the Creative Director: Episode 18!

Hey everyone!

It’s Episode 18 time! This means a lot of things, including a new Duo, new 8-Player Op, new feats, and all-new gear sets, including two new styles (3 if you count the Elite!). This Episode also begins our second 3-month cycle, which means it’s the first cycle to start with Elite gear right off the bat, available in the Elite 8-Player Operation. You will notice a few changes refining loot, most notably that all versions of any given gear slot are available in the same Episode – so it’s a much smoother ride from here on out.

But, before we talk too much about the new gear, let’s talk about the content!



Blackest Day

And so begins the penultimate episode of the War of the Light saga. An epic finish to an epic story begins now.

The stars grow dim as the Black Lanterns spread across the universe. Oa and Zamaron are still reeling from the attack, but the Corruption hasn’t stopped there. Black Hand, herald of Nekron, has finally revealed himself by attacking the Sinestro Corps’ sentient city, Ranx! He aims to turn Ranx into a dangerous Corruption-spreading machine that could wipe out not only Mogo and Earth, but the rest of the universe as well. Sinestro conscribes every last one of you to help prevent Ranx from falling into the enemy’s black hand.




The Demon’s Pit

Meanwhile, the League of Assassin’s sudden interest in Central City has drawn the concern of both the Justice League and the Society. During a scouting mission-gone-wrong, your allies have been captured and strung up above the Lazarus Pit! Will you be able to rescue them before they become indoctrinated into Ra’s al Ghul’s army and forced to serve his plan for a “better world?”



As I mentioned before, we’re kicking off a new 3-month cycle, so that means new styles! On the vendor, you can drop your Marks on the “Shock Jock” set, inspired by Livewire. Dropping in the content are the first pieces of the “Herald of the Black” set, inspired by Black Hand. In the Elite version of Blackest Day, you can get your hands on the Elite version of the set with a wicked tendril effect, and of course maintain your Affinity Bonuses.

And as always, there are new Feats, Collections, a Title, and more! (Psst, including a hairstyle for ladies and one for men!)


Both of these storylines are rapidly approaching their big finishes. It’s about to get real.


Associate Creative Director
DC Universe Online

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