Chapter 1: Day of Reckoning
Uncover the truth that sleeps within Kaznia City, where a string of mysterious murders sends shockwaves through the streets. Teaming up with occult detective John Constantine of Justice League Dark, you’re caught in a web of supernatural secrets and discoveries that will challenge everything you know. As the investigations progress, trust becomes a deadly gamble.
Who can you rely on, and how many lives can you save before time runs out?
An Eastern European country with a long history of supernatural creatures that dwell in the shadows, but surely those are mere fairy tales told to frighten children… or are they?
Once the preferred place of rest for wealthy Kaznians, most mausoleums have been abandoned. However, some are still used by those seeking to avoid the attention of the law.
This large cemetery is the ideal location of rest for the dearly departed citizens of Kaznia City. Some locals tell visitors that it is haunted, no doubt to frighten them out of their wits!
John Constantine
The man some call the Hellblazer, John is an occult detective and powerful sorcerer. Though often cynical and sarcastic, he stands ready to face supernatural and mystical threats when needed.
Young Dejana Petrovic uses her exobyte powers to protect Kaznia City from criminals, gangsters, and the like. This often puts her at odds with authority figures, but she continues to fight the good fight nightly.
Felix Faust
An evil sorcerer from ancient times, Faust has been a thorn in the side of the Justice League and their allies for many years. What arcane secrets could have drawn him to the shadows of Kaznia City?
The Killer
A mysterious and deadly figure, they went on a killing spree in Gotham City during a recent alien invasion. It appears they have set their sights on a new killing ground in Kaznia…